Safari Sketch at Wildlife Museum

Draw or paint from life together in person at the International Wildlife Museum (not the desert museum). Bring your favorite medium and a sketchbook, there will be plenty of chilly A/C! The museum has lots of benches to sit and sketch or bring a folding chair! They are open and friendly to artists sketching throughout the museum.

International Wildlife Museum

Who: Meet with the Art Verve Association & community within a friendly face-to-face group setting. Beginners are most welcome!

Where: Int. Wildlife Museum: Exit Speedway Blvd. (Exit 257). Turn west and go approximately 5 miles. The Wildlife Museum is on the right just before the mountains. (

When: Sunday, Jun. 11, 2023, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM (MST)

ADMISSION: The admission fee to the museum is not included. You may purchase tickets in-person at the desk, or online to save time. Link:

AMENITIES: There are bathrooms, water fountains, and a cafeteria to sit and eat lunch (bring or buy).

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